What Are The Ten Worst Foods For Digestive Health?

Millions of people suffer from digestive problems, from heartburn to irritable bowel syndrome. In many cases, doctors try to figure out what is wrong with a person’s digestive system when they should be focusing on what is wrong with the food the person is eating. Many common digestive problems can be cured almost immediately by changing your diet.

If your diet contains some of the ten worst foods for digestive health, reducing or eliminating these foods from your diet can provide immediate relief. Start minimizing the role these foods play in your diet, and you may start to see your symptoms vanish almost overnight.

Gluten is a protein that is found in many grains, such as wheat and rye. It can be hard to digest for many people and can cause bloating and inflammation in the intestines. Fortunately, there are many gluten-free alternatives that are now available at your grocery store.

Dairy products, including milk, butter, and cream, can be very hard to digest for many people. Millions of people are lactose-intolerant, meaning that their bodies can’t digest the lactose found in milk. Some people are also allergic to the proteins in milk.

While soy is a popular ingredient in many foods, it can also cause digestive problems. Too much soy can result in cramps and bloating by irritating the small intestine.

Everyone should know that too much sugar is bad for you, but it does not just play havoc with your blood sugar levels. It can also cause digestive problems. Reducing the sugar in your diet can be a very good way to keep your problems to a minimum.

While beans contain a lot of healthy fiber and protein, they also contain compounds that can be difficult to digest. If you tend to feel gassy or bloated after eating beans, your gut may not be breaking them down properly. The lectins and saponins in legumes are hard for many people to digest.

Tomatoes, potatoes, and bell peppers are all part of the same family, but they can cause digestive problems for many people. Try to keep these foods to a minimum in your diet to avoid problems.

Trans fats and artificial fats are not found in nature, so your body does not know what to do with them. This results in bloating, cramps, and diarrhea. Avoid products that use these artificial ingredients, as well as artificial sugars, such as aspartame and others.

The gums used to thicken many foods can also result in digestive problems. Check the ingredients of the foods that you eat to see if they include xantham or guar gums. These can cause real problems for anyone who is suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or other digestive conditions.

Knowing about these problematic foods is important if you want to enjoy good digestive health. Keep an eye out for these ingredients when you are shopping at the grocery store. By adjusting your diet, you can start to feel better right away.